
What are your plans for 2024? I'm quitting setting goals and just following through on some of the big stuff I started in 2023: losing weight, teaching my daughter to read, writing a book, making stuff easy, and NOT joining a bunch of new stuff. What about you?

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Jan 23Liked by Charlie D. Becker

I don't know about reading at 2 years old, but 3 is certainly doable.

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"I’m going to take a structured approach to doing a lot less stuff"

Funnily enough I landed on something near the same. Never stated them out loud as I don't need to live up to them, but for instance I watched about 160 feature films last year and this year would rather see only like 100, I read something like 24 books and this year would be fine with 10, and I made about a half dozen short films and this year only want to finish one big one. I don't want to do a ton of stuff this year, I just want to stay healthy and save money. These aren't 'New Years Resolutions', they're general putting aside of activities.

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Jan 23Liked by Charlie D. Becker

I love the continuation of the 2023 goals. We're often so enticed by the new year that we forget the great stuff we have built along the way and STILL can build on.

I'll be at 1 year of Substack publishing in May. I'm excited for another year of it.

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Jan 24Liked by Charlie D. Becker

It's just a pleasure to be alongside your ever-evolving journey and watch you navigate life as a creative, conscious, and bright human. Your current approach feels alive and positive, but most of what you write about usually does. I remember years ago one of the first time we spoke you were talking about getting this jaw surgery done. That alone is a huge thing, and will be transformative I'm sure. If I remember correctly one motivation for that was to do more speaking. Perhaps that will surface again for you. In the meantime, teaching your kid to read is as good as it gets. Cheering for you in 2024.

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Wow 3200 words worth of stuff to work through.... that's monumental. Great to see your more pragmatic approach this year. I really like the idea of "making it easy" - I do wonder how many hard things are hard just because we fool ourselves into thinking that they are :)

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Jan 23Liked by Charlie D. Becker

Get it, Charlie!

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Jan 23Liked by Charlie D. Becker

It seems like you have a really healthy way of looking at your intentions for this year.

I’m still partial to my goal-setting routine (I try to have one or two big goals a quarter) along with a couple other practices I’m trying to maintain (usually something with health and something with family).

But it’s easy for me to overdo it and where I run into trouble is being over-ambitious and the quality of presence/intentionality I bring as a dad/husband/friend suffers. So that’s where I’m trying to balance.

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Your observation about having exchanged dreams for goals resonated with me, Charlie. I feel like I made the same switch at some point, going from an idealistic dreamer in my twenties into a more practical (and successful) adult. But I do feel that something got left behind, something to do with holding capacity for bigger dreams, less 'realistic' and more aspirational goals. Reading this, I feel excited for you and more optimistic for myself, as well.

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Jan 23Liked by Charlie D. Becker

Keep dreaming! This was perfect for the New Year!

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...good luck and good fortune with it all good dude...when you finally become a millionaire triathlete gangster astronaut cowboy i demand a novelistic memoir documenting that exact moment of transformation...

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Im back on the waking up app too after getting away from it for a while and its been a game changer. The intro course is awesome and always a great way to get back in the game.

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This was exciting to read! Very contagious. And I resonate a lot with this lean, "focus on the important only", free approach. Wishing you the best year ever!

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