I know what I want for Christmas now too! I love to read and you’ve become one of my favorite Substack authors, so I’m looking for more 😋

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These are beautiful. I’m going to forward it to my 22 year old daughter so she can forward it to her friend so they both can know what knowing looks like.

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Love this Charlie! Acutely awesome takeaways here, now you've got another fan patiently waiting for your novel

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These are all so great! I particularly find number 5 interesting - music has such a touching way of bringing about more nuanced takes on themes

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Love the mix, Charlie! Cool format and heartwarming, relatable stories. :)

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...dope curation of love bud (LUV)...appreciate the tunes too...

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Such nourishing vignettes Charlie. Love the stories, including the gentle weave of your wisdom that rises from each one. Especially loved, "if they knew how to, they would" - a very important distinction to make for committed relationships. There are some things that it have taken my wife and I many years to learn to do for each other, the slowness to due to lack of love, but weight of personal habit.

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What a beautiful set of stories to find in my inbox this morning!

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These were all so lovely Charlie, thanks for sharing! ❤️

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I agree. One needs to speak up and explain themselves .

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